Limit the number of goroutines running at the same time


Recently, I was working on package that was doing network requests inside goroutines and I encountered an issue: the program was really fast to finish, but the results were awful. This was because the number of goroutines running at the same time was too high. As a result, the network was congested, too many sockets were opened on my laptop and the final performance was degraded: requests were slow or failing.

In order to keep the network healthy while maintaining some concurrency, I wanted to limit the number of goroutines making requests at the same time. Here is a sample main file to illustrate how you can control the maximum number of goroutines that are allowed to run concurrently.

package main

import (

// Fake a long and difficult work.
func DoWork() {
	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

func main() {
	maxNbConcurrentGoroutines := flag.Int("maxNbConcurrentGoroutines", 5, "the number of goroutines that are allowed to run concurrently")
	nbJobs := flag.Int("nbJobs", 100, "the number of jobs that we need to do")

	// Dummy channel to coordinate the number of concurrent goroutines.
	// This channel should be buffered otherwise we will be immediately blocked
	// when trying to fill it.
	concurrentGoroutines := make(chan struct{}, *maxNbConcurrentGoroutines)
	// Fill the dummy channel with maxNbConcurrentGoroutines empty struct.
	for i := 0; i < *maxNbConcurrentGoroutines; i++ {
		concurrentGoroutines <- struct{}{}

	// The done channel indicates when a single goroutine has
	// finished its job.
	done := make(chan bool)
	// The waitForAllJobs channel allows the main program
	// to wait until we have indeed done all the jobs.
	waitForAllJobs := make(chan bool)

	// Collect all the jobs, and since the job is finished, we can
	// release another spot for a goroutine.
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < *nbJobs; i++ {
			// Say that another goroutine can now start.
			concurrentGoroutines <- struct{}{}
		// We have collected all the jobs, the program
		// can now terminate
		waitForAllJobs <- true

	// Try to start nbJobs jobs
	for i := 1; i <= *nbJobs; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("ID: %v: waiting to launch!\n", i)
		// Try to receive from the concurrentGoroutines channel. When we have something,
		// it means we can start a new goroutine because another one finished.
		// Otherwise, it will block the execution until an execution
		// spot is available.
		fmt.Printf("ID: %v: it's my turn!\n", i)
		go func(id int) {
			fmt.Printf("ID: %v: all done!\n", id)
			done <- true

	// Wait for all jobs to finish

This file is available as a gist on GitHub if you find it more convenient.

Sample runs

For the command time go run concurrent.go -nbJobs 25 -maxNbConcurrentGoroutines 10:

ID: 1: waiting to launch!
ID: 1: it's my turn!
ID: 2: waiting to launch!
ID: 2: it's my turn!
ID: 3: waiting to launch!
ID: 3: it's my turn!
ID: 4: waiting to launch!
ID: 4: it's my turn!
ID: 5: waiting to launch!
ID: 5: it's my turn!
ID: 6: waiting to launch!
ID: 6: it's my turn!
ID: 7: waiting to launch!
ID: 7: it's my turn!
ID: 8: waiting to launch!
ID: 8: it's my turn!
ID: 9: waiting to launch!
ID: 9: it's my turn!
ID: 10: waiting to launch!
ID: 10: it's my turn!
ID: 11: waiting to launch!
ID: 1: all done!
ID: 9: all done!
ID: 11: it's my turn!
ID: 12: waiting to launch!
ID: 12: it's my turn!
ID: 7: all done!
ID: 13: waiting to launch!
ID: 5: all done!
ID: 13: it's my turn!
ID: 14: waiting to launch!
ID: 4: all done!
ID: 14: it's my turn!
ID: 8: all done!
ID: 15: waiting to launch!
ID: 15: it's my turn!
ID: 16: waiting to launch!
ID: 16: it's my turn!
ID: 10: all done!
ID: 17: waiting to launch!
ID: 2: all done!
ID: 17: it's my turn!
ID: 18: waiting to launch!
ID: 18: it's my turn!
ID: 3: all done!
ID: 19: waiting to launch!
ID: 6: all done!
ID: 19: it's my turn!
ID: 20: waiting to launch!
ID: 20: it's my turn!
ID: 21: waiting to launch!
ID: 20: all done!
ID: 16: all done!
ID: 17: all done!
ID: 12: all done!
ID: 21: it's my turn!
ID: 19: all done!
ID: 11: all done!
ID: 14: all done!
ID: 18: all done!
ID: 15: all done!
ID: 13: all done!
ID: 22: waiting to launch!
ID: 22: it's my turn!
ID: 23: waiting to launch!
ID: 23: it's my turn!
ID: 24: waiting to launch!
ID: 24: it's my turn!
ID: 25: waiting to launch!
ID: 25: it's my turn!
ID: 24: all done!
ID: 21: all done!
ID: 22: all done!
ID: 25: all done!
ID: 23: all done!
0,28s user 0,05s system 18% cpu 1,762 total

For the command time go run concurrent.go -nbJobs 10 -maxNbConcurrentGoroutines 1:

ID: 1: waiting to launch!
ID: 1: it's my turn!
ID: 2: waiting to launch!
ID: 1: all done!
ID: 2: it's my turn!
ID: 3: waiting to launch!
ID: 2: all done!
ID: 3: it's my turn!
ID: 4: waiting to launch!
ID: 3: all done!
ID: 4: it's my turn!
ID: 5: waiting to launch!
ID: 4: all done!
ID: 5: it's my turn!
ID: 6: waiting to launch!
ID: 5: all done!
ID: 6: it's my turn!
ID: 7: waiting to launch!
ID: 6: all done!
ID: 7: it's my turn!
ID: 8: waiting to launch!
ID: 7: all done!
ID: 8: it's my turn!
ID: 9: waiting to launch!
ID: 8: all done!
ID: 9: it's my turn!
ID: 10: waiting to launch!
ID: 9: all done!
ID: 10: it's my turn!
ID: 10: all done!
0,32s user 0,03s system 6% cpu 5,274 total

Questions? Feedback? Hit me on Twitter @AntoineAugusti

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