Go client for Updown


What is Updown?

Over the weekend, I’ve been working on creating a Go client for updown.io. Updown lets you monitor websites and online services for an affordable price. Checks can be performed for HTTP, HTTPS, ICMP and a custom TCP connection down to every 30s, from 4 locations around the globe. They also offer status pages, like the one I use for Teen Quotes. I find the design of the application and status pages really slick. For all these reasons, I use Updown for personal and freelance projects.

A Go REST client

I think that it’s the first time I wrote a REST API client in Go, and I feel pretty happy. My inspiration for the package came from the Godo package, the Go library for DigitalOcean. It helped me start and structure my files, structures and functions.

The source code is available on GitHub, under the MIT license. Here is a small glance at what you can do with it.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Your API key can be retrieved at https://updown.io/settings/edit
    client := updown.NewClient("your-api-key", nil)
    // List all checks
    checks, HTTPResponse, err := client.Check.List()
    // Finding a token by an alias
    token, err := client.Check.TokenForAlias("Google")
    // Downtimes for a check
    page := 1 // 100 results per page
    downs, HTTPResponse, err := client.Downtime.List(token, page)

Enjoying working with Go again

I particularly enjoyed working with Go again, after a few months without touching it. I really like the integration with Sublime Text, the fast compilation, static typing, the golint (linter for Go code, that even takes into account variable names and comments) and go fmt (automatic code formatting) commands. I knew and I experienced once again that developing with Go is fast and enjoyable. You rapidly end up with a code that is nice to read, tested and documented.


As always, feedback, pull-requests, or kudos are welcomed! I did not achieved 100% coverage as I was quite lazy and opted for integration tests, meaning tests actually hit the real Updown API when they are performed.